Monday, October 27, 2008

Paper or plastic

No, I'm not recommending which type of bag to carry your groceries around, but I am making a change in my studio and will save you time and money if you follow these recommendations.

I recently attended an excellent fashion photography class. In addtion to learing some interesting lighting, and lighting ration techniques I paid close attention to the backgrounds used. For a long time I have used standard linen/muslins. While they allow nice graphics if you like that, they aren't that good in the standard plain flavors - white, black, grey, etc. While I just dealt with the wrinkle problem by moving the model well away from the background and using a large aperture to throw the background out of focus I never pursued an alternative until now.

I found that the class paper background were far superior to mine as they were clean, unwrinkled, fairly inexpensive and produced very nice unobtrsive results. So I plan to change soon. Take my advise, and don't bother with the plain muslins. They aren't worth the time and effort.

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